Events - Expositions 2018

National and international exhibitions 2018


Collective exhibition - You Emoi

69 artists brought together in 1 exhibition around a questioning of otherness, summarized by its title: “TOI ÉMOI”.
“YOU” is the other, different from me, close or distant, whether human, animal, plant or even… robotic.
“EMO”, because the encounter is always questioning, curiosity, upheaval; dreams or nightmares, stories of love, of hatred, rarely of indifference!
At a time when societies are dizzy at closing in on themselves, it is comforting to feel, in front of all these creations, the desire to share jostling in the artists' heads.
06 - 07 April 2019

Hybrids, the continuation in Zaragoza (Spain)

Collective exhibition (The Artists at the Bastille) - Hybrids, the sequel to Zaragoza (Spain)
Auditorio Palacio de Congressos Zaragoza - c/Eduardo Ibarra, 3

April 26 to May 18, 2018

Collective exhibition - Mirror, Mirror

Association of Bastille Artists - Collective exhibition -
Mirror, Mirror
Collective exhibition at the Victor Gelez Animation Center - 1 rue Victor Gelez 75011 Paris – Père Lachaise Metro
“A mirror is a machine that highlights us outside of ourselves” (D. Diderot – Letter on the Blind). The self-portraits presented correspond to different moments, sometimes very distant in time, are all traces in relief of a reflection of the “Me” at a given moment in life, restored as in a mirror.

April 26 to May 18, 2018
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