Worlds at War Gang Series

Gang Series

Worlds at War

The subject of Gangs is treated using a process that ranges from figurative to documentary. This is why the macrostructure of this series is reminiscent of both the polyptychs of sacred subjects from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and comic strips: a continuous narration is established around the phenomenon of gangs in permanent war for conquest of territories, without offering a demonstration or a moralizing reading. The figurative scenes are composed on a background where, in the violent tones dominating yellows or reds, a landscape of misery is presented to the viewer, the misery of the South American favelas, representative of the misery of all devastated suburbs. by war and crime, including those of the rich cities of the Western world, this world which is present in fragments, in the details of an aging urban civilization (billboards, graffiti, street art). It is undoubtedly the series which most heavily uses the process of quotation and recycling, materials (pasted papers taken from advertising posters) and details taken from comics and films, or even documentaries on the Gangs. in war.

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